Who is Precision?

_Someone once asked, “What good is it to have a service if you tell nobody?”
So here we go blowing our own horn: Precision
Laboratories is a family owned business, formed in 1975 in the state
of Florida by a gentleman named V. Jerry Blue and managed by
William V. Lassiter, with a lot of promise and not much else.
Purchased in 1993 by William & Donna Lassiter, Precision now boasts
that it is one of the largest earmold facilities in the nation,
serving the United States and many other countries, and producing
thousands of custom earpieces per year. Precision Laboratories is truly a full service laboratory. In
addition to custom
earmolds for behind the ear instruments, Precision also carries a full
line of impression materials and other accessory items, including
drill motors and batteries. Precision also makes special products,
like brightly colored Catamaran custom swimming protection, and
custom noise protection: Comfort Ear, Hocks Noise Brakers and Etymotic
Research products for the music industry. Precision has
recently led the industry with special products for the racing
industry, enabling communication between race drivers, pit crews and
spotters. These items have spilled over into other areas of wireless
communications such as surveillance, airline communication, and
stage monitors for entertainers in the music industry. Precision
manufactures more than six thousand of these sets annually.
Our motto - “Quality - Service - Integrity” - all at a reasonable price.
Welcome to our Family,
Our motto - “Quality - Service - Integrity” - all at a reasonable price.
Welcome to our Family,